Finally i am given some space to voice my opinions about what happened, what is going on and what will happen. Thanks to the one and only 'Constantine' who is also the administrator of this page for handing me this rare oppurtunity. Dude, i really appreciate it.
Without further delay, let me get to issues that arised during the recent nomination day held by PERUNDANG to nominate our future commitee members. Even this low key event was not excluded from typical controversies that usually surrounds big elections. I was there. not as nominee nor a candidate. Just as a mere spectator. It is not like im allowed to nominate anyone anyway. First thing i noticed, some of the senior and junior students were complaining that they were not informed by PERUNDANG of the date of the nomination day. But if i am not mistaken, a representative from PERUNDANG claimed that such notices have been put up on the PERUNDANG board and we did not take the effort to read it or even notice it. Good point, but PERUNDANG should know something, for months there was only a silly useless statistic stuck on there which no one even bothered updating it with any new information.
Who would expect you to update it with an information regarding the Nomination Day. If the PERUNDANG were really sincere in practising democrasy in holding a proper Nomination Day, they should at least ensure everyone gets to know about the Nomination Day. One simple way to do it, just inform the class representative of every year and then they will do the rest. It is that simple. Just have to inform 4 students. Can't the PERUNDANG even able to do that or were they not bothered. This is one question only they can answer.
The second issue which i would want to address here is the attendance and the composition of races of the students who attended the nomination. The attendance were appalling and sad. Not even half of the total 1st year and 2nd year students turned up. and yet PERUNDANG carried out with the nomination. PERUNDANG clearly knows that the knowledge about the nomination day were not known by majority of the students. By carrying out the election although the attendance were at minimal shows that PERUNDANG is not all interested to uphold the principal of Democrasy. Shame on you, Perundang. About the composition of races, of all the students who turned up, 70% were Malays, 28% were Indians and only 2% were Chinese. People, this is only a rough statistic drawn by me and take note, I AM NOT A RACIST.
All i am asking for is balance and stability. In my opinion all races must take part and be given a representative to deliver their complains or suggestions direct to PERUNDANG. Besides that if there is a commitee which consist of FAIR share of each races, PERUNDANG could organise many activities which varies from one to another. In addition to that, if the posts in PERUNDANG in are divided fairly among the races we could ensure every student takes part in activities organized by PERUNDANG and no one boycotts it.
Finally, in order to ensure that every activity organized by PERUNDANG to turn out a success, they must ensure that the balance and stability between races exist. One way they can achieve that is by reviewing the way they conduct a Nomination Day.
Without further delay, let me get to issues that arised during the recent nomination day held by PERUNDANG to nominate our future commitee members. Even this low key event was not excluded from typical controversies that usually surrounds big elections. I was there. not as nominee nor a candidate. Just as a mere spectator. It is not like im allowed to nominate anyone anyway. First thing i noticed, some of the senior and junior students were complaining that they were not informed by PERUNDANG of the date of the nomination day. But if i am not mistaken, a representative from PERUNDANG claimed that such notices have been put up on the PERUNDANG board and we did not take the effort to read it or even notice it. Good point, but PERUNDANG should know something, for months there was only a silly useless statistic stuck on there which no one even bothered updating it with any new information.
Who would expect you to update it with an information regarding the Nomination Day. If the PERUNDANG were really sincere in practising democrasy in holding a proper Nomination Day, they should at least ensure everyone gets to know about the Nomination Day. One simple way to do it, just inform the class representative of every year and then they will do the rest. It is that simple. Just have to inform 4 students. Can't the PERUNDANG even able to do that or were they not bothered. This is one question only they can answer.
The second issue which i would want to address here is the attendance and the composition of races of the students who attended the nomination. The attendance were appalling and sad. Not even half of the total 1st year and 2nd year students turned up. and yet PERUNDANG carried out with the nomination. PERUNDANG clearly knows that the knowledge about the nomination day were not known by majority of the students. By carrying out the election although the attendance were at minimal shows that PERUNDANG is not all interested to uphold the principal of Democrasy. Shame on you, Perundang. About the composition of races, of all the students who turned up, 70% were Malays, 28% were Indians and only 2% were Chinese. People, this is only a rough statistic drawn by me and take note, I AM NOT A RACIST.
All i am asking for is balance and stability. In my opinion all races must take part and be given a representative to deliver their complains or suggestions direct to PERUNDANG. Besides that if there is a commitee which consist of FAIR share of each races, PERUNDANG could organise many activities which varies from one to another. In addition to that, if the posts in PERUNDANG in are divided fairly among the races we could ensure every student takes part in activities organized by PERUNDANG and no one boycotts it.
Finally, in order to ensure that every activity organized by PERUNDANG to turn out a success, they must ensure that the balance and stability between races exist. One way they can achieve that is by reviewing the way they conduct a Nomination Day.
aku sokong..
masalahnya kadang2 dlm hal begini ada2 pihak2 tertentu yang ambil kesempatan..
kesempatan yang diambil kadang kala cuba tidak megharmonikan suasana di FUU itu sendiri..
apa2 kita cuba perhati dulu perkembangan didalam sehari dua ini
First of all, I wasn't there during the nomination itself. We need to understand that the whole process of nomination and voting is under the responsibility of the newly formed Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya PERUNDANG Sesi 2009/2010 led by Mr. Lingswaran Singh. The PERUNDANG Excos have no whatsoever role to play in the aforementioned process. We shall remain neutral through out the period of this election.
I suggest that you voice your observations to the Honourable Chairperson of SPR for further consideration. Let the SPR look into the substance of your findings.
Thank you.
Vice President
PERUNDANG 2008/2009
In your previous post,you claimed that the PERUNDANG Exco's has no role or will not play any role in the nomination or the election. Then why were there a number of PERUNDANG personnel overseeing the nomination process on the nomination day? Correct me if i am wrong, but i am sure that i noticed one of your fellow Exco's was conducting the nomination. I expect the PERUNDANG to come up with another reason explaining all this as they always excel in carrying out that part of their work.
setuju sangat la memang tak ramai orang datang so, tak ramai yang boleh di'nominate'. quite dissapointed sebab kalau tengok nominees hampir tiada chinese. macam tak balance.
Dear Kratos. I guess you are a fan of the God of War series. Anyway, let me straight to the point. It is true that some of my PERUNDANG colleague were present during the nomination process. However, they have every right to be present during the nomination as a student of our beloved Law Faculty of UKM.
What important is that my colleague don't interfere in the nomination process itself, i.e such as to the extent of depriving any eligible candidates from contesting.
As we see now, there are certain positions which were won uncontested and some even having up to 7 or 8 candidates. Is there anyone being deprived of their right to contest? Or anyone whose nomination being rejected by any of my colleague instead of the SPR?
My colleague could have helped in conducting the nomination. But whether a nomination is being accepted or rejected is definitely the purview of SPR and not PERUNDANG Excos. Maybe you can point out the irregularities of the nomination arising from the presence of my colleague? You have pointed out some irregularities but did any of it arised out of the presence or conduct of my colleague during the nomination?
I must admit that in everything we do, there will always be a flaw whether minor or major. The question which we need to address in relation to this nomination is whether the presence or conduct of my colleague have affected the rights of eligible candidates to contest?
Kindly respond.
Thank you.
Vice President
PERUNDANG 2008/2009
sorry to interupt in the conversation,guys the topic that discuss here is actually an important topic. What ive heard from the second year they have been told that the nomination is at 12 o'clock if im not mistaken, but it had been carried out at 10am. This have make a lot of the student didn't attend the nomination,mostly the student who r nominating is malays,im not a racist im just telling the fact itself.
At the time when the nomination carried on for first years, second year student is the one nominating. I understand that Lingswaran have make it democratic this time but mostly, the second year is nominating first year student. Ans one thing it is very obvious that there is more nomination for malays, some of the people helping the spr also seems to be a bit racist.(IT IS NOT NICE TO PUT THE NAME HERE) But because of lings the nomination is more balanced.
Even in the simple faculty election the situation is not fair how bout the world out side campus or even in the campus itself. The student is the future leader for our country but if they still continuing to be racist our country wont go anywhere. Students have more power and there is also a proverb that says that a student can do anything if they think they can do. The student now days must be more liberal and work toward the unity of the student,at that time there is no slogan like Malay student,Indian student or Chinese student,what will have to remains is STUDENT only which will represent all. Then only the power of a student can be shown...
personal opinion here.... der can b 2 sides of the story... der r ppl who didnt noe n so didnt get into da nomination n da second side, those who knew of it n yet nt interested to attend it...
as for the latter case, i suppose that it is of no use to b pin pointing to any1... all da first years were well informed of the nomination date n time.... lets face it...da fact is dat dey r juz not interested to attend it... n so, even if less than half of the first years appeared... it reli was their own personal choice... not anyone in any committee.... da same goes to racial balance... v have a number of chinese in first years, but if they dun appear despite knowing of the existence of the nomination... den, hw do v nominate a chinese?
but of coz im xplaining for situation wer students noe of the nomination but choosed nt to attend it...such as da first years...
dah diberitahu kpd salah seorang dari kaum lain di library..mungkin amik, camtu la jadinya..then 1 more thing, students chinese pon ada yg stay selepas kelas. tapi ada yg kuar. ada sikit keraguan yg mana mungkin yg kuar tu xminat. bila dah byk nominee dr melayu, br nak cakap xtau pon..maybe ler..
i suggest that the SPR itself not fully independent. ken for example, as to what most of the people know,he got involve with issues of his reply to one of the lecturer about ketuanan melayu (last year or the year before).
so i guess its not wrong to say that he might be in favour of one race.
eh nyway,how the spr is elected?why all snior? anyhow i support lings ;)
remember..justice must not just be done
but must also seem to be done!
Dear anonymous. You are looking at the SPR composition especially Ken from the racial point of view. Instead, you should take a look at Phoon's comment on the presence of PERUNDANG Excos. The crucial question to be asked is whether the SPR or particularly Ken acted in any manner which prejudices the right to nominate and the right to contest. Is there anyone being deprived of his/her right to nominate and/or to contest? Actually we can never get SPR which can 'fully independent' as the composition are all human beings. As long as you are a human with a the thinking faculty, you can't avoid from subscribing to any ideologi unless you get a robot to become the SPR.
To be honest, I am pretty sad knowing that Perundang is currently plagued with politics.
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